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The school is situated in an urban area close to Torino; it has a lot of pupils with socio-economic

disadvantages and migrants especially from Romania, Moldavia, North Africa and a lot of pupils with

special needs, too . The total number of students from the age of 3 to 14 is 1073 (kindergarten 237,

primary 553, middle school 283). In our school there are about 48 pupils with special needs and 18

disabled. There are 21 teachers in the nursery school, 61 teachers in the primary school and 39

teachers in the middle school. Because of the variety there are a lot of inclusive projects and labs

such as cooking, painting walls, music, handmade instruments, dancing, acting and organisation of

sport events. The area is highly populated so it brings typical social problems. We have a highly

skilled and experienced team who are committed to ensuring the highest standard of education. All

children at 1 Istituto Comprensivo are treated as individuals and we value links with home, the local

community and parents. A good school cannot exist without these. Children are taught in year groups

which are mixed ability. We provide a well organized and stimulating curriculum using lots of different

learning and teaching strategies according on national indications. These includes the use of

interactive whiteboards ,videos , visit ,visitors. This project has been designed in order to: - Insert the

schools in a European context and intercultural relations. - Discover more about others countries

cultures and life-style and improve the respect, comprehension and ideas of other cultures. -

Encrease student motivation and make school more attractive, particularly for migrants and

socioeconomic disadvantaged people. The Italian school has finished a Comenius project about

science and CLIL : it has been awarded with European Label for languages. The school collaborate

with a teacher who is responsible for European projects and international relations .












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